Kid Life

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

February at Kid Life

This Month's Verse:

Session 1:  God Shows Us Himself through His World
Read: Psalm 8
Highlight: Psalm 8:3-4
Reflect: How can you see God in the world around you this week?  
  1. Spend time outside—even if only for a few mintues—taking in all that God created and appreciating His creation. 
  1. Write down a list of the amazing ways you see God at work in the world.  
  1. Reflect on something you’ve seen God do in your life or in the life of a friend. Thank God for continuing to move and work in our world and in our lives. 
Pray: God, thank You for creating the world and for loving us so much. The more we spend time in your world, the more we know about You and Your heart as the Creator of all things. Thank You for showing us Yourself through the world.  
Prepare: God shows us Himself through His world. How can you intentionally pause and enjoy nature this week and take in all that God has created?  

Session 2: God Shows Us Himself through His Book
Read: Acts 8:26-40
Highlight: Acts 8:35
Reflect: How can you draw closer to God through His book?
  1. Read Acts 8:26-40 and Psalm 8 this week. Ask God to teach you and give you a greater desire to read His Word 
  1. Write down and memorize our Theme verse, Deuteronomy 4:35b. When you read the verse, remind yourself that you are meant to know God and have a personal intimate relationship with Him.
  1. Talk with a friend or family member about what God is teaching you through
    His Word. 
Pray: God, thank You for Your inspired and perfect Word. Remind us that the Bible is still active today and that You continue to reveal Yourself and draw us close to You as we read and study.  
Prepare: What’s a Bible verse that encourages you that you can share with others?

Session 3: God Shows Us Himself through His Son
Read: John 3:1-21
Highlight: John 3:16-17
Reflect: What’s a way you can celebrate the gift of Jesus this week?
  1. Share with someone my faith journey and how Jesus has changed my life. 
  1. Spend time reading one of Gospels, focusing on the words and actions of Jesus. Highlight amazing things Jesus does and says. 
  1. Pray for someone in my life to believe in Jesus and start following Him. 
Pray: God, thank You for sending Your Son so that we may know Him and You more. Holy Spirit, help us to be more like Jesus every day.  
Prepare: What’s your story about who you were before you starting following Jesus, when you started following Jesus, and what your life is like now?

Session 4: God Shows Us Himself through His People
Read: Acts 17:16-34
Highlight: Acts 17:32-34
Reflect: What is a way that you can allow God to work through you to show Himself to others?
  1. Offer to help someone in need and share that it’s because of my faith. 
  1. Lead a devotional time with family or friends, reading through Acts 17:16-34 and asking them the Reflect and Prepare questions provided here. 
  1. Spend time with an older Christian and ask for wisdom on how to show the love of Jesus to others. 
Pray: God, thank you for inviting us to participate in Your good works. You don’t need us, but You chose us to make Your name great. What a gift it is to tell people about Jesus! Help us to be open to opportunities and ready to share, especially with our kids.
Prepare: We are made to know God because God loves us and wants a deeper relationship with us. What’s a story you have of someone who shared Jesus with you and how it changed your life?